Why Video Content is Important in 2023

To prove just how powerful video marketing is, let’s look at the trends of 2023. Let’s start by looking at the number of businesses that use video marketing as part of their marketing arsenal – an impressive 86%! In addition to this, 93% of these markers have stated that video marketing is one of the most important aspects of their marketing strategy.

Further to this, additional research has found that it’s not only marketers that believe in the power of video marketing, but consumers are looking out for it too. 84% of customers surveyed stated that marketing videos often convince them to invest in a product or service. They’re also more likely to share videos when compared to other forms of content. Cisco has even reported that by 2023, online traffic will be mostly made up of video content – around 80% of it all.

What is video marketing?

Video marketing refers to the use of video content to promote or inform your brand and products to target groups. Brands can use videos in a variety of digital channels and formats, including on their own website, with social media marketing, programmatic advertising and more.

The importance of videos in marketing is widely recognized by marketers. Statista surveyed over 8,000 marketing managers in June 2021 and found that pre-produced videos were the world’s leading tactic of digital customer loyalty. 81% of respondents use pre-produced videos for their digital marketing and another 13% say they plan to use them. Livestream videos were the second most widely used strategy, with 73% of respondents already using it, and another 19% plan to do so.

One of the main reasons for the importance of video marketing is that videos are a popular medium among target groups. Two thirds of consumers say they prefer to watch a video to learn more about a product or service than read about it. In the first half of 2021, videos were the largest source of Internet traffic worldwide at 53.7%, while social media took a distant second place with 12.7%. Marketers must spread their messages where and how consumers will see them.

Advantages of video marketing

Expand your potential target group

Video content can be displayed to consumers on any number of channels, regardless of whether they stream movies, visit a product page or share posts on social media. Therefore, video should be considered an investment – according to HubSpot, including video on landing pages can increase conversions by 80%!

Watching compelling presentations and videos can influence buying behavior and turn a visitor into a lead (or a way to convert into a customer!), instead of just reading the same message.Conveying the right impression through video is a powerful marketing tool! In addition, they can serve as tutorials or in-app testimonials, depending on the aspect you are looking for. Search engines look for content that engages viewers. There is nothing that draws users into pages longer than a video. And if you post your videos on YouTube as well as on your website, your visibility, and chances of appearing in search are greatly increased.

Attract the attention of the audience

Video content is a rich medium that offers movement, colors, music and other sound and can stand out from text and still images. Attracting attention can bring strategic advantages, e.g. helping customers discover your brand. Additionally, we also consider video to be a great addition to your email marketing campaign.

We are all inundated with emails and getting people to open your email is a growing challenge. Simply using “video” in your subject line can increase open rates and decrease sign-up rates. Video in an email leads to a 200-300% increase in click-through rates which is impressive. But in most cases, you can’t deny that it’s easier to watch a video than to sit down and read a text, right? This is especially effective if you are showing how to use your product or expressing something that you cannot get through the same effect in writing.

Creating convincing content marketing

Video marketing does not only refer to advertisements – it can also be a great way to offer valuable content that appeals to target groups in other ways. For example, offering customers instructional videos on how to use your company’s products. Teaching content leads to more customer engagement and sales than the other marketing channels. 

Present your brand and products

Explanatory videos can help you express your brand history and product benefits in a way that text and images alone may not be able to offer. By creating videos that show your product in action, buyers can see how they could use it. Videos can also help you take a look behind the scenes of your company. This allows you to show what drives you as a brand instead of just telling it. Video is the perfect way to create a personality for your business and brand, allowing you to connect with your audience and earn their trust. 90% of users say that product videos help in the decision-making process. The more videos you have to educate and inform your customers, the more you will be building on that foundation of trust. And trust translates into sales.

Creating a video marketing campaign

The details of creating your video marketing campaign depend on the type of videos you create and the marketing channels you use. However, a few general tips can help you develop your campaign strategy.

Know your goals

Before you deal with video production, think about the purpose of your video. If you set your campaign goals in advance, you can better determine your video content – should it be promoting, educational, compelling or exciting? Make sure you understand what your video needs to achieve.

Define your target group and your message

It is important that you understand your target group in order to send the right message and achieve the desired campaign goals. Be aware of what your video marketing campaign should say. Pay attention to your target group – their interests, their needs – to find out how best to deliver content. For example, to promote brand awareness, you should create eye-catching explanatory videos that not only introduce your brand, but also make it unforgettable for viewers.

Use high-quality image and sound material

Your video production does not necessarily require a large amount of resources. It is more important that the quality of your video file is good, with clean, clear images and clear sound. Your viewers may use devices as large as a TV or as small as a mobile phone. Therefore, make sure that your images are easy to recognize.

Make the sound optional

Music and stories can make a video more convincing or effective, but don’t assume that your viewers are listening. For example, you could watch and mute the video on a mobile device in a public place. Use subtitles and easy-to-read text on the screen so that viewers can follow the video without sound.

Don’t overestimate the attention of the audience

You cannot control how long target groups watch your video. Be short rather than too long. The first seconds of your video content should attract attention and contain the most important information. Make sure viewers know what they can do after watching the video to the end A good video marketing campaign should offer viewers a clear call-to-action, e.g. For example, give them a link to purchase a product or tell them where to find additional relevant video content.

Video Content Works

When it comes to digital marketing, video marketing is key. But what works? Live videos have become an important way for brands to reach out and connect with potential customers. Additionally, videos should be considered as part of your SEO strategy. If you are looking to show the more personal side of your brand, vlogs, and social media stories (and here we also include professional social media platforms such as LinkedIn) are a fantastic way to go about it. It is worth noting, however, that most consumers watch videos without sound. This means that video content needs to be visually appealing, and while sound matters, it doesn’t need to be the core focus. The real key is content and focus with an aim to establish engagement.